英国并行技术公司(Concurrent Technologies,CCT)成立于1985年,主要专注于设计和开发基于Intel CPU的高性能嵌入式单板计算机产品,CCT产品已广泛地被广泛应用于各种执行关键任务的嵌入式应用。凭借高水平的相互协作和产品质量保证,英国并行技术公司在全球客户范围内享有极高的声誉。
总部设在瑞士日内瓦的CES创造电子系统公司(SA)在过去30年中一直设计并制造复杂高性能的航空电子防御和通信板、子系统以及完整系统。CES公司参与欧洲和美国最先进的航空航天和防御计划,并且在全世界提供创新解决方案。公司已经开发出复杂的专用技术和专业技能,将可靠的硬件和软件构建单元集成到特定市场解决方案中(例如地面和飞行试验计算机,地面站子系统,雷达子系统,任务计算机,DAL-A 认证计算机,视频平台,以及试验和保障设备)。
雅特生科技(Artesyn Embedded Technologie)即原Emerson Embedded Computing & Power部门,专门设计和生产稳定可靠的电源转换和嵌入式计算解决方案,其产品适用于多个不同产业,包括通信、计算、医疗、军事、航天和工业生产等。四十多年来,雅特生科技的客户都深信该公司可以为他们提供具成本效益而又技术先进的网络计算和电源转换解决方案,让他们可以更快将产品推出市场,以及降低投资风险。雅特生科技在世界各地有超过20,000名雇员,并拥有九间设备先进的技术研发中心和五间世界级的工厂,销售和技术支持办事处更遍布世界各地。
TTTech公司成立于1998年,公司规模:300+,公司总部位于维也纳,TTTech公司 专注提供世界领先的基于时间触发机制的安全关键系统先进开发技术和产品。
Abaco Systems delivers high performance rugged embedded computing solutions, based on industry standards and open architectures, to mission-critical applications in defense, aerospace and industry around the world. Previously known as GE Intelligent Platforms, we were spun out of GE in December 2015 and now operate as a standalone company.
Alta Data Technologies LLC (Alta) is a company dedicated to providing the best possible MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC-429/717 COTS communications products and service in the Aerospace Industry. From a full line of PCI, PCI Express (PCIe) interface cards for almost any computer backplane, to our innovative real-time Ethernet connectivity devices, Alta brings innovative design and best in class service for MIL-STD-1553 and ARINC customers. Alta has experienced rapid growth from its 2007 start to become one of the leading providers in the industry – all backed with a best in market 5 year limited warranty.
The RTX RTOS Platform streamlines and simplifies the development of complex systems. By leveraging x86 multi-core technology and symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) functionality, and by extending Microsoft Windows with the RTX real-time extension, the RTX RTOS Platform reduces costs, boosts quality and performance, and significantly reduces reliance on proprietary hardware such DSPs and FPGAs.